TC760 epoxy tooling board is a medium temperature, low-density syntactic epoxy tooling board designed for the manufacture of accurate and stable master models and molds. TC760 is a superior quality tooling board that offers premium performance, whilst maintaining a cost-effective solution.
TC760 is suitable for use up to 145 ºC and can be directly used for the production of parts. It can be machined to a high-quality surface finish, that requires minimal sealing.
TC760 has an inert finish making it chemically compatible with tooling prepregs.
Low coefficient of thermal expansion
Inert surface
Suitable for use up to 145 ºC
Quick mold preparation
Requires minimal sealing
Excellent dimensional stability
Inert surface
Suitable for use up to 145 ºC
Quick mold preparation
Requires minimal sealing
Excellent dimensional stability
Direct to part manufacturing
Master models
Lay-up tools for medium to high temperatures curing epoxy prepregs