Transflex®B7 - B75
Structural expansion joints
Bridge decks
Overhead pedestrian bridges
Multi-storey car parks
Designed to accommodate movements in all directions, longitudinal, transversal and vertical, of overhead structures with minimum load transmission to decks or slabs. These joints provide maximum traffic comfort and durability.
Both models are supplied in 1.75m modules to be anchored to the deck or slab, using chemically fixed anchors.
Movement is absorbed by deformation of a strong central membrane. Impact loads are absorbed by the elastomer and are not directly transmitted to the Transflex® models B7 y B75 have been specially designed to absorb vertical movements, and cover a movement range of 50mm and 75mm, respectively.
Waterproofing: in urban car parks and bridges waterproofing joints are recommended. This is achieved by inserting a continuous membrane for channeling the water, paying particular attention to areas with walls and junctions.