Polymers for Tomorrow
Polymers for Tomorrow is Trelleborg’s new task force that works to establish partnerships with stakeholders in three categories: bio-based materials, regenerated/recycled materials and new polymer formulas.
Through these partnerships with suppliers, start-ups and academic research we aim to become increasingly more circular and support the sustainable production and use of materials.
Protecting the environment
Our solutions are involved in reducing environmental impact: saving energy, cutting emissions, minimizing soil compaction in agriculture and prolonging low-maintenance product life for our customers.
Protecting people
We make life safer and more comfortable for people. Our positive contributions include noise reduction, bearings to protect buildings during earthquakes, and developing low-friction fabrics for aircraft evacuation slides.
Protecting infrastructure and assets
We protect our customers’ investments in infrastructure such as bridges, tunnels, railways and wastewater systems by delivering innovative solutions that improve cost-efficiency and prolong operational lifetime.
Sustainability Contacts
Contact our sustainability team: sustainability@trelleborg.com
For Product inquiries or related matters, please go to: Contact us

Johan Wijk
Vice President Group Excellence & Sustainability
Tel: +46 731 531 395

Patrik Romberg
Senior Vice President Group Communications & Human Resources
Tel: +46 410 670 94