Game changing processes
Micromolding has become a vital process in manufacturing of tiny medical devices and components. Trelleborg sets itself apart through its ability to produce geometrically complex, mission critical parts for its customers using a variety of materials, including Liquid Silicone Rubber (LSR). By molding components from two materials, often in a single process, removes assembly steps. This lowers the risk of quality issues and reduces production costs. Micromolded parts require precision tooling on a new level to achieve the desired outcome. In-house toolmaking is one of the key areas of expertise within Trelleborg.
Technically, wearable medical devices are nothing new — consumers have been wearing nicotine patches since the 1980s — but a new generation of smart wearables medical devices are ushering in a future where patient’s diagnosis is more accurate, they can receive tailored treatment when it matters most, and have continuous monitoring of their condition; all with fewer visits to a doctor. Drug delivery is also moving through a period of rapid development. Many drugs are being incorporated into small, silicone-based delivery devices, which can release a drug directly with fewer side-effects.