Pumping installations, suction and delivery.
Sewer and tank truck applications.
Excellent kink resistance even at small bending radius.
Withstands 0.8bar vacuum.
Smooth cover to prevent friction on sharp edges of manholes, walls fences, etc.
This hose can be produced with straight or enlarged ends (from 3 to 12mm) to fit all types of couplings.
High resistance to abrasive environment.
Technical drawing

Inner tube
NR, black, smooth.
synthetic textile cords with embedded steel helix
NR, black, fabric impression.
Temperature range
-30 to +60
Additional information
Other lengths and other diameters like diam.120mm could be produced on request.
Technical Specifications
ID (mm) | OD (mm) | Working Pressure (bar) | Bursting pressure (bar) | Max. vacuum (bar) | Bending radius (mm) | Weight (kg/m) | Length (m) | Article number |
¤ Upon availability. * Tolerance on length: ± 1 % (ISO 1307 Standard)
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