Marc Flageole

Celebrating Long-Term Excellence in Trelleborg's Aerospace Division

Tell us about yourself. How long have you been with the company, and what positions have you held during your tenure?

I am from Quebec, Canada, where my first language was French. Joining Trelleborg in 1996 with limited English proficiency, the social aspect was challenging initially. Over the years, I transitioned from a small office in Toronto to witness the company's significant growth. Starting as a sales engineer, handling both aerospace and industrial accounts, I eventually specialized in aerospace. My journey evolved through roles like sales engineer, application engineer, and now, as a project engineer and manager.


As an employee, what are your main responsibilities in your current role? How has your role evolved over the years?

In my current role as a project engineer, I lead new product development projects from concept to launch. The shift from sales to application engineering provided a deeper understanding of technical aspects. Today, I thrive on the intricate details and the leadership involved in project management. This role allows me to collaborate effectively with designers, quality professionals, and engineers, bridging the gap between technical and operational realms.


What has kept you motivated and engaged while working at Trelleborg for an extended period? Share memorable experiences contributing to your job satisfaction.

The camaraderie within the team, especially with my boss, played a crucial role. In our early days, working in a small company emphasized the importance of strong interpersonal relationships. The aerospace team's growth, now directly engaging with key customers, brings excitement and variety to projects. Moreover, airplanes, with their engineering marvels, have been a constant source of inspiration for me. I feel lucky every day knowing I get to work with that type of product and think it is quite cool.

One standout memory is our involvement in a band clamp project, elevating us from obscurity to a significant large widebody commercial aircraft program—a testament to the dynamic and fulfilling nature of our work. The project entailed a metal piece that wraps around the landing gear and holds some hydraulic lines together securely. You don't wanna have hydraulic cables to hang out, right? I was involved in every aspect of it and it was exciting to work on a big program like that.


With your wealth of experience, how do you envision the future of your area of expertise within Trelleborg? What trends or developments do you see shaping the industry, and how do you plan to adapt?

While I may not predict trends, Trelleborg's robust R&D ensures we move in the right direction. The aerospace industry's constant evolution keeps us on our toes, and adaptability is key.


What advice would you give to people at the beginning of their careers, based on your professional journey? Any key lessons or principles that have helped you succeed and grow?

Don't shy away from asking questions; effective communication is vital. Working as a team and seeking help when needed is crucial for project success. Embrace each role for its unique challenges and prioritize happiness and fulfillment over a hasty climb up the career ladder. Many projects suffer from a lack of communication, hindering accurate planning. Also, be wary of viewing positions as temporary; finding fulfillment in your work is essential for long-term success. Fuel your ambitions and seek learning opportunities, regardless of age.


Outside of work, how do you spend your free time? Tell us about your hobbies, interests, or any community involvement that you're passionate about.

Balancing work and life, I enjoyed years of competing in triathlons while raising my daughter. As my focus shifted, I've found fulfillment in dedicating more time to work. Nevertheless, I advocate for ongoing learning and seizing opportunities for personal and professional growth.