Journeying Beyond Challenges

Buki's Internship Insights

What has been the most challenging aspect of your internship so far, and how have you overcome it?
The initial challenge was crafting a routine that suits both me as an individual and aligns with the company's needs. The first few days were a bit tricky as I naturally strive to stay ahead in planning. Taking it slow, with the guidance and support of my colleague Johanna Navarro who is also my classmate and the warm reception from the team, helped me adapt and find a routine that benefits both me and the company.


Can you share a key takeaway or skills you've gained in the past month that you find particularly valuable for you?
Key skills that I've found immensely valuable include maintaining composure, active listening, adherence to instructions, and staying organized in all situations. These skills not only streamline work and life but also provide effective strategies for tackling challenging situations. They contribute significantly to my professional and personal growth, enhancing my future career as a Payroll Business Partner.


What is the most surprising or unexpected fact you've learned this month?
A delightful surprise has been witnessing the company's dedication to the well-being of its employees. The positive atmosphere and the respectful treatment among colleagues are genuinely impressive. Coming from the health sector where worker satisfaction is often low, this was unexpected and heartening.
Equally surprising is Trelleborg AB's commitment to the surrounding community. Regular meetings with neighbors to gather opinions on noise levels and waste management procedures, ensuring a safe environment, reflect the company's responsibility and adherence to regulations. It's refreshing to see Trelleborg as a conscientious and accountable entity in its local and environmental impact.