
Notice of the Annual General Meeting of Trelleborg AB (publ)

Notification of participating and form for postal voting

Form of proxy

The Nomination Committee's reasoned statement

Remuneration report 2023

Auditors’ report regarding compliance with the guidelines for remuneration to senior executives

The Board of Directors’ proposal for principles of remuneration for senior executives

The Board of Directors’ proposal regarding authorization for the Board of Directors to resolve on repurchase of own shares

The Board of Directors’ statement pursuant to Chapter 18, Section 4 of the Swedish Companies Act

The Board of Directors’ statement pursuant to Chapter 19, Section 22 of the Swedish Companies Act

Auditor’s statement pursuant to Chapter 20 Section 14 of the Swedish Companies Act

The Board of Directors’ proposal and statement for cancellation of repurchased shares and bonus issue

The Board of Directors’ proposal for resolution on share program (PSP 2024/2027) and hedging measures

Annual report 2023

Auditor's report 2023
