Latest Innovations

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    Stefa® HiSpin® EV40
    Boost EV Efficiency with Phase-Shifted-Wave Technology now
    Our advanced elastomer radial shaft seal, designed for high-speed electric motors, utilizes patented Phase-Shifted Wave Technology to deliver exceptional performance across a wide range of lubrication conditions. 
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    FlexCoat™ NG
    Minimize Friction with PFAS-free* Coating Technology now
    Elastomer seals are naturally sticky, which can cause them to stick together and impact performance. To solve this, coatings are often applied to reduce friction and prevent sticking during assembly or use, enhancing seal life and equipment performance.
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    WaterPro® EPDMs
    Protect a Critical Natural Resource now
    Specially engineered for use in drinking water applications, WaterPro® EPDMs are formulated for compatibility with chlorine and chloramine and certified to all major drinking water standards globally.
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    Stefa® High-Pressure Radial Shaft Seals
    Unmatched Performance for Demanding Environments
    Custom solutions to extend service life and improve performance in high-pressure rotary applications.
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    H<sub>2</sub>Pro™ ZLT & EBT25
    Accelerate Innovation for Sustainable Technology
    Specially engineered materials for challenging hydrogen applications.
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    Orkot® C620
    Composite bearings for demanding high-load applications
    Orkot® C620 pushes the boundaries of composite technology. It has been specifically designed and developed to meet the demands of high-load applications across all market sectors, including Energy, Off-Highway and Industrial.

Stefa® HiSpin® EV40
Boost EV Efficiency with Phase-Shifted-Wave Technology now
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FlexCoat™ NG
Minimize Friction with PFAS-free Coating Technology now
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WaterPro® EPDMs
Protect a Critical Natural Resource now
Stefa® High-Pressure Radial Shaft Seals
Unmatched Performance for Demanding Environments
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Rubore® Washer
Protect Sensitive Electrical Components 
Orkot® C620
Orkot® C620
Orkot® C620 pushes the boundaries of composite technology...
Advanced  Trelleborg H2Pro Hydrogen Sealing Materials
H2Pro™ ZLT & EBT25
Accelerate Innovation for Sustainable Technology
Isolast PureFab FFKM for Semiconductor Sealing Applications
Isolast® PureFab™ FFKM

Maximize system uptime of advanced semiconductor processes

Solution Highlights

Turcon® VL Seal® II
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Nexus Face Seal
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Forsheda® V-Ring
Unique design for superior contaminant exclusion
 Gaskets and manway lid gaskets for Chemical Transportation
Chemical Transportation Gaskets
Trelleborg D-Seal, Combined sealing and damping for critical truck engine
Combined sealing and damping for critical truck engine & transmission applications
HMF FlatSeal|Trelleborg Sealing Solutions
HMF FlatSeal™
Boost Flat Surface Sealing Performance Now
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FoodPro® EPDMs
Ensure safe sealing in food processing now
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HiMod® Advanced Composite Bearings
Strong and light thermoplastic composites bearings for demanding environments 
Engineered Polymer Solutions
Your partner to develop advanced thermoplastic solutions
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XploR™ S-Seal & XploR™ FS-Seal

Discover high integrity sealing under extreme pressure

Multicomponent Technology
Multicomponent Technology
Engineered one-piece solutions for integrated integrity
Engineered FFKM Seals and high-performance perfluoroelastomers
Advanced Isolast® Capabilities
Engineered FFKM solutions for the most demanding operating conditions
Cast_Latest Innovations
iCast™ LSR
Isolast® K-Fab™ Flange Seal
Isolast® K-Fab™ flange seal
 Engineered for critical subfab applications.
Counter Surfaces

Optimize dynamic chrome plated applications

Turcon® MC1 & MC2
Turcon® MC1 & MC2
New electrically conductive PTFE materials

Reduce friction with nanoscale treatments

HiSpin® for eMobility

Boost your ride with next-generation e-axle sealing

HiSpin® Seals for Aerospace
HiSpin® for Aerospace

Boost the performance of rotary wing aircraft

Cognitive Sealing
Cognitive Sealing
Get the most out of your data with predictive maintenance
Turcon® Roto L
Turcon® Roto L

Energy saving with no friction

Turcon® M12 A new Generation Hydraulic Seals
Turcon® M12

Unrivalled performance in hydraulic applications

Engineered molded parts
Engineered molded parts

Unique applications require unique solutions

Cutsomized packaging
Customized Packaging
Cassette Seal
Cassette Seal CSL 1500
Ultra High Temp Seals
Zurcon Glyd Ring D
Zurcon® Glyd Ring® D