Wooden house

Our seals will meet all your challenging needs. Energy classification, closing resistance, fire resistance, and slim design.


Our application expertize in window seals covers all frame types, all weather conditions and all production processes.

Floor and Roof

Construction seals to pick up movements, dampen sound, block humidity or seperate materials between floors or in the roof construction.

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Garage doors

We design seals for all types of garage doors e.g. sectional, sliding, folding or rollers.

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Seals for inner and outer parts of the construction. Air and water tightness, sound damping and as barrier between materials.

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Extruded profile solutions

Benefits of choosing the right seal
Window profile from Trelleborg

Tested products D3630 and L3450

Profile selector - Trelleborg

Your Profile Selector

Granulated rubber

How to chose material

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