Aircraft primary flight controls
The combination of the tandem Turcon® VL Seal® and the Turcon® Excluder® DC is a proven solution for primary flight control applications in larger aircraft.
- Proven Fly-by-Wire (FBW) and Electro Hydrostatic Actuator (EHA) capability
- Unique Turcon® VL Seal® with back pumping capability
- Fully lubricated sealing system allows a service life of over 100,000 flight hours for a set of seals
- Chrome and HVOF rod compatible
- Suitable for 5000 PSI systems and Installed on many aircraft types & model

Aircraft secondary flight control
The combination of the tandem Turcon® VL Seal® and the Turcon® Excluder DC is now well proven in the primary flight controls of the majority of all new larger aircraft.
- Proven Fly-by-Wire (FBW) and Electro Hydrostatic Actuator (EHA) capability of over 100,000 Flight Hours
- Unique Turcon® VL Seal® with back pumping capability
- Chrome and HVOF rod compatible
- Suitable for 5000 PSI systems
- Cold-soak capability and installed on many aircraft types & models

Radial oil seals
This rotary seal for gearboxes is used in high lift systems.
- Unique Trelleborg Sealing Solutions design to meet customer specifications
- Seal materials compatible with all engine oils and fuels
- Up to 10 m/s rotary speed possible
- Simple installation in open groove

Gearbox flange seals
This gearbox gasket plate with integral elastomer seals is a traditional and yet very effective way of providing a reliable flange seal.
- Designed to specification or to print
- Wide range of materials for compatability with all engine oils and fuels
- Seal retained in a base plate for easy and safe installation

High speed rotary PDR seals
Rotary seal for engine gearboxes that is widely used on helicopter gearboxes.
- Unique Trelleborg Sealing Solutions design to meet customer specifications
- Lips of Turcon® material that are compatible with all engine oils and fuels
- Up to 100 m/s rotary speed possible

Fire seal for thrust reversers
Fire seals are essential for preventing fire from spreading from one area of the aircraft to another during emergencies. They typically have one or more layers of fire protection fabric.
- Fabric reinforcement increases lifetime and retains shape
- Highly flexible design
- Fire seal capability
- Designed to specification or to print

Thrust reverser actuator
Electro Mechanical Actuators (EMAs) are becoming more common for all kinds of applications.
- Sealing solutions available for both static and dynamic applications
- Static sealing provides protection against water ingress and corrosion
- Dynamic seals for both hydraulic and mechanical systems
- Compatibility with all commercially used fluids and greases
- Low and predictable friction characteristics

Turcon® ball screw seal
PTFE based seal with spring energization.
- Unique Trelleborg Sealing Solutions design
- Effective scraping of ball races
- Effective sealing of bearing grease
- Compatibility with all fluids and greases
- Follows ball screw back-lash