Advanced Liquid Silicone Rubber (LSR) technology is seeing exponential growth, particularly into high-tech fields of applications.
Operating in this emergent niche, Trelleborg Sealing Solutions is the world’s leading exponent of precision Liquid Silicone Rubber (LSR) and Two-Component (2C)manufacturing processes and tooling technology driven by Swiss precision thinking. Complex geometries, including multi-components, are produced at our strategically positioned global manufacturing facilities in the same consistent way, with the same processes worldwide.
2C LSR Technology - The Ultimate LSR Process
One of Trelleborg's most outstanding capabilities is the simultaneous injection of LSR in combination with technical plastics, 2C LSR Technology. In what is commonly also referred to as 2K, 2shot, multi-component injection molding, or co-injection, Trelleborg employs highly advanced and sophisticated tool and process engineering to develop the most innovative solutions, combining two, three or more individual materials into one fully bonded, robust component.