Trelleborg Supplies Boeing with Component for 3D-Printed Face Shields

Trelleborg Sealing Solutions, an established provider of solutions to Boeing’s aircraft, is supplying a face shield component to the aerospace manufacturer as it joins the urgent effort to assist medical workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic.
Boeing approached Trelleborg at the end of March 2020, to manufacture and supply an elastomer strap needed for the adjustable headband of 3D printed face shields. The Trelleborg Sealing Solutions dedicated aerospace facility in Northborough, Massachusetts, supported a 48-hour turnaround of prototypes using methodologies including 3D printing. The following week, the site was able to ramp up production to 5000 straps per week.
Quinn Collett, Air Frame Manager, Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Aerospace, says: “In these unprecedented times, it’s imperative everyone plays a role that might not be in line with the one they are used to. We were fortunate to receive the call from Boeing to support this effort and leverage Trelleborg’s expertise to quickly address the need.”
Boeing plans to produce face shields using its additive manufacturing machines at various sites across the US. Boeing is working with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on this effort. FEMA will determine where the face shields are most needed.
The elastomer straps provided are manufactured from aerospace grade silicone. After a few fit trials, Boeing and Trelleborg were able to lock in the final released design.
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