Trelleborg’s SmartDock provides vital information such as distances, angles, and speeds to pilots and jetty operators to ensure the vessel is safely docked, significantly reducing the risk of damage from a collision between the ship and the jetty. The typical system consists of two laser sensors, a controller, a central PC and several data display options that the pilot and master can use to monitor and adjust the approach during the push-up phase of the docking.
SmartDock greatly increase situational awareness and enables operators to take corrective action should the approach profile exceed the limits. The lasers measure and update the data second-by-second, which can be interpreted to build a 'picture' of the vessel's approach. Information is applied via several methods including a large jetty display board, remote hand-held monitors, and a digital display with warning lights mounted on the jetty. A PC in the jetty control room logs the data and provides a graphical representation of the entire process. This vessel details are stored in a database and can be quickly retrieved in preparation for docking.
⮚ Bulk Mineral & Liquid Berths
⮚ Commercial (RoRo, ferry)
⮚ Container terminals