Global Local Martin Hignett
MH: In the twelve years I have been managing the Malta facility, my main role has been to steer Trelleborg Sealing Solutions in Malta in the right direction, aligning day-today practices and securing the necessary investment in order to guarantee new business and allow us to provide the best possible service to our customers. We strive to be the supplier of first choice by focusing on quality, on-time delivery, quotation response times, short lead-times and good communication throughout the supply chain.
Trelleborg Sealing Solutions in Malta offers a one-stop shop service through its in-house material development, tool design and manufacture capability. Our team of material technologists and engineers work hard to assist our colleagues in Trelleborg Sealing Solutions in providing the optimal sealing solution. Though we may not be the cheapest, we do our utmost to offer the best in quality and service.
I have attended conferences and sent my team and their employees on several workshops overseas, which help in improving customer relationships as well as in sharing best practices.