Growing with the Customers

Date: 04.06.19
After relocating from India to England, Inderjeet Singh has shifted his focus from seals with complex designs to seals made of innovative materials. But he says the principles of product management are the same the world over.
- By Donna Guinivan
- By Donna Guinivan

- Trelleborg Sealing Solutions in Shanghai, China, was inaugurated in 2006
- Since then it has changed and grown to meet customer requirements
- With many opportunities, further expansion is planned

“We have now trained a lot of people in our Shanghai facility and they are one of the most valuable assets in the company.”
TONY YIN, General Manager, Trelleborg Sealing Solutions in Shanghai

“Recently, it has been a really successful expansion for us in aerospace in the China market.”
OLIVER CHAN, Managing Director, Trelleborg Sealing Solutions in Shanghai