Powering the Future with Advanced Technologies

Speakers: Axel Weimann, Prof. Dr. Konrad Saur, Daniel Hauser, James Simpson
During their presentation "Powering the Future with Advanced Technologies", our Trelleborg experts Prof. Dr. Konrad Saur and Axel Weimann will discuss the latest issues affecting the manufacturing industry including global and political trends and alternative fuel sources. Solutions for sealing challenges will also be discussed including advanced composites, multicomponent manufacturing technology, 2-Layer PTFE and bio-elastomer materials.
The presentation is followed by a panel discussion titled “Hydrogen and the Energy Transformation” moderated by Prof. Dr. Konrad Saur. Our experts James Simpson, Axel Weimann and Daniel Hauser will lead through a discussion on the future of the energy industry and how it faces a decarbonized future. Further new developments, technological drivers and challenges will be addressed, and a variety of angles included. They will reveal what political trends are influencing our industry and highlight activities that help eliminate emissions, as well as how hydrogen will play a key role in supporting the transition.
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