Innovation Day 2022: Accelerate Your Business Now

A constantly changing world, together with emerging application demands and a focus on sustainability, is reshaping the industrial environment. The new manufacturing landscape requires solutions that enable flexibility and the ability to adapt and enhance competitive advantage. Join us at the Innovation Day to find solutions to accelerate your business now!
>> Visit the microsite to find out more and register
What to Expect
In line with the conference motto Accelerate Your Business Now, the day will feature presentations, panel discussions and technical sessions on industry trends, innovations in manufacturing and polymer technology. Highlights include:
- Keynote presentation Lost in Transformation - Understanding Change & Designing the Future by Jule Bosch, Innovation Consultant, Author & Founder HOLYCRAB!,
- Panel discussion Hydrogen and the Energy Transformation
Participants can select from over 20 sessions across four stages and tailor their agenda to meet their interests. Topics cover a range of industries, including semiconductor, automotive, fluid power, healthcare and medical and food and beverage processing, and feature advanced sealing technologies, manufacturing capabilities and customized solutions and services, which make the entire value chain more agile and efficient.
In-person or virtually
Guests have the option to join the Innovation Day both onsite or attend virtually.
- Onsite participation at the Wagenhallen in Stuttgart
Join us for a full day of sealing innovations. You can liaise with industry peers, polymer experts and Trelleborg leaders in the networking lounge, and enjoy music and fresh, regional cuisine, prepared by the team of chefs on location. - Participate virtually through the event platform
Experience the full event program conveniently from your office or home. Sessions across four stages will be livestreamed and participants can communicate with session hosts through the event platform and tailor their agenda to meet individual interests.
>> Register now
Meet the stars
Hosting and moderating the event are:
- Jürgen Bosch, Business Unit President Marketing Europe
- Linda Muroski, Business Unit President Trelleborg Healthcare & Medical and Business Unit President Marketing Americas
- Prof. Dr. Konrad Saur, Vice President – Innovation & Technology
- Sarah Yvonne Elsser, acclaimed presenter and editor with a passion for technology
This team will welcome and guide participants through the event and ensure you get the most from your attendance.
Prof Konrad Saur, Vice President Innovation & Technology at Trelleborg Sealing Solutions is looking forward to many participants and personal exchange: "After the great success of our Innovation Day four years ago in Ludwigsburg and exactly ten years after the start of this event series, we can finally meet again at a live event, talk to each other and support each other."
For more information on the Innovation Day and to register, visit: