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Windpower is the fastest growing form of renewable energy. Trelleborg is at the forefront of this industry and provides wind turbine manufacturers with a broad range of sealing solutions to optimize turbine performance.
Sealing Systems for Windpower
Pitch cylinder, Main Brake and Accumulator Sealing Systems for Windpower are featured in this video
Today's wind turbines are high-technology precision machines, digital and computerized to maximize the wattage from every gust of wind. An average size, two-megawatt-wind turbine can generate enough electricity to supply about 1,000 households. An operational expectancy of 98 percent over a working life of 20 years, 24/7, makes for an extremely dynamic environment where reliability is paramount.
Sealing Solutions for Windpower
Seals for wind turbines need to provide low friction, long life, zero leakage and easy installation, with maximized meantime between maintenance being a key requirement. Trelleborg Sealing Solutions contributes to effective operation of hydraulics, our products withstand rigors on land and offshore installations. Seals are designed and tested to withstand continuous short strokes at pressures of 250 bar / 3,625 psi and temperatures as low as -40 °C / -40 °F.