Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Configurator Disclaimer
Trelleborg Sealing Solutions products have diverse application uses. The utilization, selection and designation of any specific application is the sole responsibility of the Sealing Solutions Configurator user, customer and/or purchaser. Trelleborg Sealing Solutions is not obliged to the user, customer and/or purchaser of the Sealing Solutions Configurator to provide any consultation in conjunction with or as a result thereof.
Any measurements, values and/or dimensions obtained through the Sealing Solutions Configurator are guidelines and as such are intended for orientation purposes only with the sole function to ease the selection of possible Trelleborg Sealing Solutions products that may be suitable for the use in a particular application. Any Trelleborg Sealing Solutions products ascertained as a result of using data obtained through the Sealing Solutions Configurator for use in a specific application must be assayed by the Sealing Solutions Configurator end user, customer and/or purchaser through the appropriate test methods in order to ensure product suitability.
Media contact, operating temperature and assembly conditions can result in significant divergences from the calculated values. No warranty is therefore provided or implied by Trelleborg Sealing Solutions with regards to applicability of any of its products in conjunction with the specific application intended by the Sealing Solutions Configurator user, customer and/or purchaser. In no event shall Trelleborg Sealing Solutions, or any agent or representative thereof, be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from non-compliance with this advice.