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Wherever Trelleborg is present, we abide by laws and regulations, respect human rights and are characterized by exemplary business ethics. This is described in our Code of Conduct, which we also encourage our suppliers to follow.
Legal compliance
We respect the rule of law, conduct our business with integrity and honesty, and are accountable for our actions. We do not tolerate the offering, solicitation or acceptance of bribes. Trelleborg employees are all entitled to alert designated compliance officers if they suspect any violations of laws or Code of Conduct.
Human rights
Human rights comprise fundamental rights defined by various conventions and declarations in respect of child labor, forced labor, freedom of association and collective agreements, diversity issues and gender equality. All of these areas are addressed in Trelleborg’s Code of Conduct.
The evaluation of suppliers primarily takes place through Group-wide questionnaires relating to health & safety, environmental management and social responsibility. A smaller selection of suppliers within risk areas and categories are audited.