It is widely recognized within the track maintenance industry and by asset owners that there will be more rail replacement issues, excessive rail wear and permanent way deterioration in installations where the asphalt and road base construction contacts the rail.
Asphalt and road base being adjacent and against the rail provides a constant supply of fluid and abrasive material that is turned into a grinding paste with wear exasperated by the constant rail movement generated by train, vehicle and thermal sources.
RX Rubber Level Crossing Inserts ensure that material like asphalt and coarse gravel are kept away from the flange way as far as is practical and provides good drainage.
Made from pure natural rubber for long life and durability
Acts as a movement and isolation interface
Offers protection from thermal movement
Provides damping and accommodation of the rail generated movement
Rated for 80km/h on asphalt and concrete road
Tested for maximum AS tire loadings
Suitable for road trains
- New rail projects
- Rail upgrades and replacement projects
- Rail clip asset protection for asphalt or concrete crossings
- Rail depots