A Change Of Mind
Date: 14.12.21
In the debate surrounding eMobility, many objections raised by the media and owners of conventional cars miss the real point. Their arguments are not based on facts and figures, but merely serve as an excuse not to change from the status quo. - By Axel Weimann
Director Global Segment Automotive, Trucks & Transportation at Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Weimann knows both sides of the eMobility debate: As a self-confessed petrol head, he enjoys driving his Caterham on the deserted country roads of Baden-Württemberg, Germany, early on a Sunday morning, but has been known to swap it for the family car – an all-electric Kia Soul.
“So, why not begin changing your mindset now, as electric vehicles are the inevitable future. Don’t look at the negatives, embrace the positives.”
Director Global Segment Automotive, Trucks & Transportation at Trelleborg Sealing Solutions
Change your mindset
So, why not begin changing your mindset now? Electric vehicles are the inevitable future. Don’t look at the negatives, embrace the positives. We will not only be protecting the environment, but we also have an excuse to treat ourselves to good cuisine and to go shopping!