Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Adds Specialist in Thermoplastics for Aerospace

The integration was marked by a ceremony at the Magee headquarters in Warrendale, Pennsylvania, US, when Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Global Aerospace team met the company’s 100 employees on December 4.
New Capabilities and Products
Magee Plastics applies industry-leading design skills and quality and performance standards to develop aircraft interior solutions to meet complex specifications, providing Trelleborg with cutting-edge expertise in thermoforming and vacuum forming. The acquisition was finalized in December by Trelleborg Group.
Among the products Magee produces are window shades and assemblies, sidewall panels, passenger consumer units and air grills, ceiling panels, cargo area panels, seat parts, lavatory and galley components, flight deck equipment and entire cabin retrofit interior systems
“By adding cutting-edge expertise in thermoforming and vacuum forming, this acquisition strengthens Trelleborg’s position in aerospace,” says Gordon Roper, Business Unit President Global Aerospace. “It also generates favorable sales synergies in the growing interior fittings sector.
“The Magee business also includes a Federal Aviation Authority FAA145-certified service workshop that increases Trelleborg´s share of aftermarket services and further strengthens customer relationships.”
>>Find out more about Trelleborg Sealing Solutions global aerospace
A Fast-Growing Market
The aerospace industry is expected to experience strong growth for many years. To meet demand, Trelleborg is making bolt-on acquisitions and capacity-increasing investments in existing operations. In May, the investment in a state-of-the-art facility in Morocco for the production of sealing solutions for the aerospace industry was announced. Construction has started and the facility will begin operations by the end of 2025.
In 2023 Magee, located just 30 miles outside Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, recorded sales of approximately SEK 230 M.