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Discover our latest solutions and innovations in video

Chemikler range
We are proud to introduce our rubber solutions for liquid chemicals. Whether for transfer in process or loading/unloading of truck, ships or trains, our solutions are designed to meet all your specific requirements and comply with relevant standard for maximum safety. Our range also covers composite hoses, convoluted stainless steel or PTFE assemblies.
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Cryoline by Trelleborg
Cryoline LNG hoses enable to consider FLNG projects for harsh environmental conditions. Unlike side by side LNG transfer, this solution enhances safety, operability and availability of the FLNG facilities by increasing the distance between the vessels.
Mangueras agrícolas
Este video muestra nuestras soluciones de mangueras y ensamblaje para el rociado, el riego y el esparcimiento, tanto en campo abierto como en invernaderos.

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