Global Compact
Since 2007, Trelleborg has been affiliated with the UN Global Compact network, an initiative to promote responsible business practices in the areas of the environment, labor, human rights and anti-corruption.
GRI Standards
Trelleborg’s 2021 Sustainability Reports has been prepared in accordance with the GRI Standards: Core option. 
An overview of how Trelleborg meets Task Force on Climate related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) recommendations is addressed in the 2020 Annual Report. Some issues, such as scenario analysis, are still under development.
Trelleborg has participated in CDP’s voluntary reporting of greenhouse gas emissions since 2007. In the Annual CDP Report for 2020 on climate issues, Trelleborg received a score of B (2019: A–). Water issues were reported for the third time, and here Trelleborg received a score of B– (2019: B–), which corresponds to the second highest level. Trelleborg’s SER (Supplier Engagement Rating) by CDP is A–.