Key features & benefits

 High performance plugs product
PLUGY HPF - Blocking Plugs
PLUGSY HPF - Bypass Plugs
* Note: The Part numbers apply to 4˝ plugs 
Back Pressures [Bar] / [Psi]* - PLUGY HPF, PLUGSY HPF
* measured in a dry iron pipe

Coupling System

Coupling system Type 27

Type 27

Coupling system Type 57

Type 57


Inflation hose HPF NW10 blue

Inflation Hose HPF NW10

Inflation hose HPF NW12 blue

Inflation Hose HPF NW12

Single Fitting Controller 3 bar

Single Fitting Controller

Single Fitting Controller 1 15 bar

Single Fitting Controller


Pipe plugs & packers

Pipe plugs and packer

Pipe plugs and packer

Pipe plugs and packer

Download manuals of use

Pneumatic plugs

Pneumatic plugs

Pneumatic plugs

Pneumatic plugs

Pneumatic plugs

Pneumatic plugs

Pneumatic plugs

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