Steadying the bridge

The Farris Bridge in Norway is visually stunning, but its method of construction means it can potentially be subject to vibrations or large rotations and movements. Trelleborg helped resolve this issue.

Farris Bridge, a 570-meter (1,870-foot) motorway bridge in southern Norway, is designed with high-rise slanted towers. Opened in 2018, it has a beautiful architecture and is set to become a visual landmark at the exit to the city of Larvik. But its method of construction potentially has the side effect of creating vibrations or large rotations and movements in the 24 cables attached to the towers. 

The bridge was built by a joint venture between PNC and Implenia called Joint Venture Farris Bru ANS (JVF). JVF contacted Trelleborg Offshore & Construction in 2017 to discuss how rubber could help solve the vibration challenge. Following inspections of the project design, Trelleborg’s engineering team proposed rubber dampeners to suppress the vibrations in the supports for each of the 24 bridge cables in the main tension section. During installation, the vibration elements were compressed so that they filled out and formed a compact rubber damper between the bridge cable and the steel pipe that forms the lower cable anchor. 

Each anchor attachment is unique, with all 24 vibration dampers customized for the project. The complete solution was delivered with an installation manual so that the customer could complete the installation of the dampeners using its own team after receiving training from a Trelleborg supervisor.

Roger Whiston, Project Manager at Farris Bridge, says, “The product was accepted by our customer, the Norwegian Public Roads Administration, without further customization. We were very satisfied with the quality of the drawings, the material specifications and the installation documentation that was delivered with their ‘hands-on approach’ to training JVF’s installation staff on the job.”


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